• Consulting Services for Mental Health Professionals

    Family therapy, marital counseling and parent guidance is meaningful and challenging work. When parents live in different households, however, parent counseling takes on new dimension that requires treatment goals be formulated differently. If you incorporate this thinking from the outset, especially when you’re treating a child, you may be able to reduce disruption in therapy later on. During crisis, your therapeutic involvement may mean you’re the first person clients turn to for help: to weigh-in on child custody recommendations or directly participate through court testimony or writing a declaration.  In spite of your training and skill, these requests attempt to pull you into a specialized scope of practice that can expose you to legal or ethical risk.  I can help you formulate a response to such requests that protects your treatment relationship while maintaining the boundaries of your professional role. Handled carefully, these may lead to critical gains in therapeutic progress rather than only high-anxiety times for you as the mental health professional.


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